Sunday, September 16, 2007


Giving due

Following all the hub bub, there seems to be so much justified complaining. But complaining is just that complaining, clearly an end in itself. No matter how vindicated we may feel as Native people, yet it is still up to us to show some respect, and moreover, uplift authority. Our government is in that position, and regardless of what we think and feel, they deserve our utmost respect. I know as native people we can forget the very thing that is so important, especially because of our hurts, pains and frustrations.
Our world, country for that matter, needs order and it will never come if we overlook authority. Rendering the respect, uplifts all of us. My personal appologies, for I certainly do not want to be just a complainer.
So before I put the cart ahead of the horse, I think we still have to be respectful. Ego is something you can control, but you do not want to encourage stupidity, and that would be to approach our governemt without the proper respect.
Sure we have a complaint, but we should also know we need to create a respectful environment. Our country needs nothing but the best ways, especially dealing with our candid issues.
Respect is certainly due any authority. And there is no reason we can not do what is so naturally required of us.

( just a little balancing, and introspection)


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