Monday, September 17, 2007

Steps in the right direction

Along with this respect, we need a little self-control and forgiveness. Forgiveness, in that no matter where we come from and regardless of our background we sill have to consider forgiveness. How we have been wronged should not dictate our solutions. Being resentful and angry hinders our redress. I really think our plight is sinking in, and the onus is on action and self-control: The latter being the Native position/perspective. Action has to take place, forgive me for being persistant, but indifferance up till now has been conventional. Today it is about people not wanting to touch the"Indian problem" for fear of losing votes. Moreover, when it comes to concerns it will always be about what-concerns-me, in that case problems outside of your own immediacy will persist. What happened to posterity? Shall we wait till demographics change or will good men and women rise despite the tide? If indifference continues in how we deal with our First Nations, then maybe the answer lies in allowing them some independance. Let's move beyond our own gratification, or utilitarianism, let us have some lasting "happiness," happiness beyond ourselves.

Just a few things to ponder.

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