Sunday, March 30, 2008

An old article

This is a old article I dug up, it is not related to my former article. IT was written in 2005 and is still relevant today.

Native Voice

What made me question our (Native)voice was when I tried entering a native
What happened was, that a message popped up and said this site had
questionable material. I read articles here before and it seemed your usual
conventional blab of how it was for natives. How could this site have
questionable material? But isn't that how the government treated
natives for years, denied them a voice; and censored them.

However, after writing all that in my last post, you may ask, is
there any just elaborations necessary. Clearly if we are concerned
for people and we love our country, I believe that it is not only
necessary, it is imperative.

Going beyond the usual partisan politics of where only one side is
presented, and being too judgemental, I think we do need some balance
with the last post.

I think it is not fair not to recognize all that is happening with
natives today. Today we have many more programs initiated by the
government. And we have a Governor General who identifies with those
in our circumstance. Therefore due respect must be given to our
government's efforts and initiatives.

But if people are to examine or consider the native plight they must
clearly note the frustration of living in circumstances mentioned
previously and most of all being unable to have a voice, which sadly
has gone on for years.

Therefore it is not good to just adhere to one view, nor is it good
to be too judgmental when it comes to how things are for native
people. Being judgemental is being absolute. Many people are offended
at native people and their struggles, they feel they should pull
themselves up. They continuely feel we are a drain, it all sounds
true but little effort is made to know natives and their true

One person, even went as far as saying we had a perpetual-victim
syndrom. But I believe if that person knew the real circumstances of
natives, he would never be quick to say such a thing, nor would he ever be justified.

Thus, we shall always be opposed, by some people, and no amount of
debate will convince them otherwise.

Regardless of where you position yourself, we have to consider all
sides, all views and opinions.

Our youth, must have a rounded and whole interpretation of where we
are. It is not good to get them into partisan politics, nor is it
good to have them end up thinking that Canada must be judged for how it often
deals with Native people. Clearly Canada must be big enough: At least just enough to deal with our true reality.


Friday, March 21, 2008

The Great White North

Being a Native blogger is pretty tricky, you have the controversial things, like racism, good old politics, other social issues. Audiences can vary, but it is trying to get your thoughts down no matter how unrefined they are.
Historically, native people had a pretty good system of governance; their small communities were quite suited for that direct democracy if anything. So unique was it (Democracy by Natives) that it was studied by the new-comers. It is hard to even think that native people were the savages of days gone past, they certainly possessed rational logistic ways, things such as dealing with an issue was a long drawn out affair, they were so deliberative. It may have taken days and days, weeks, even months. Yet sadly some of our precious treaties were completed in a day. We are all treaty people, (that is old news to some) because this country was made on them.
Any government needs a land base and resources to develop, people need to take the helm; to be noless autonomous over their own affairs. Why our people are so controlled, in this day and age, by the Indian Act, and even why they have no resources and land base, is also so unacceptable. Yet even though this is so true, it continues on, with no remission in sight. Paternalism though a very shallow excuse to control the native circumstance has done more harm to the impoverished than any other thing. Even though we are a federal responsibility, and the government had jurisdiction over Indians and reserves, it, this system is a far cry from "good governance." How long will the truth and the responsibility of the government be dealt with more appropriately? Is it ever going to take place? It is one thing playing political games (bureaucracy) with the well off yet it is another thing playing with the lives of the most disadvantaged! We have heard of paternalism, and even know that domination is the essence of colonialism, so when are we going to move into the new era of citizenship that will lift up the lost Canadians? The rabble is being stirred, and it is not about vengeance but about seeing justice reigning supremely. That once again, the political authority of days gone past will come to roost and the last great warriors of the plains will mount up and battle the beasts. Truth will be heard, the days of ignorance are coming to an end. If all men are born free and it is their right to be autonomous then why, why I ask, are the most disadvantaged left to struggle in a time and land that is beheld in high esteem? If we are to be that esteemed country, then let us give those in need the rights they need to prosper.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Because of His love - Paul Balouche

Another good day on the horizon, bless God!

God is so faithful, always there despite, how can we not be honest with him. He is so worthy of our praises, such a small thing compared to who he is. Have a good day.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hillsong - One Way

Its always good getting that focus, this is one of the best songs ever. God Bless!

Segregated communities

So I went on a small trip this weekend back to my First Nation, and I did some visiting, encouraging, a little bit of politiking. Yet if that did not fill my weekend, it ended off where I actually ran into some conventional attitudes. It is funny how segregated communities are the worst for initiating bias. And of course segregating has a way of producing a pathology that is nothing more than anti-social behavior. Of course it is one thing to to live in a community that has great initiatives for intercultural relationships, but yet it is still part and parcel to our province that other communities particularily here in Saskatchewan are just backwards when it comes to other people. How is that a person can go into a community, and feel that they do not belong, especially in a public place. It seems to me it is all related to cultural learning, at that: and that even though racism is wrong it certainly has its places where it is still predominant. This is 2008 and you would think this segregating would have outgrown its pervasiveness.
Egad! I mean it is not those who are forced into segregation, that are socially problematic but it is people who feel they have to live away from anybody that is different. I sure hope people will not put their head in the sand, and will hear that their way is indeed, itself problematic. Thank goodness we have become more civilized, and can actually bring peace and understanding to places that need to know there is a world beyond our own segregated communities. I would rather see people that know how to interact with others running our country, rather than people who have a closet full of questionable cultural hang-ups. We can never change those differences but we can certainly interact despite how others act.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Speaking of Rocks

It is so strange, when I first heard this group, I was thinking they were a little too rocky (as in Rock style) for me, I guess I had my reservation (that's a Native joke). Anyways, I thought I would just move on, I sure liked the music and all: Then it so happened I read this scripture, that said, "He who brings an offering of praise and thankgiving honors and glorifies me." I was thinking that this was only a thought deep within me, and here God answered me. Today, its all about praising God and focusing on him; "If I be lifted up.....
God bless, agin.

Lucky Man, just plain lucky

We have to the most blessed on the earth. We have been taught to praise, and not only that but God gives us his word. Ecclesiastes says, "Sorrow is better than laughter, for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better and gains gladness." There is a gain in sadness, and it is to know joy and happiness, to receive oil instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a heavy, burdened and failing spirit." Bless God and Glory to his name! It seems that those who possess a little wisdom have many burdens, but praise God he carries our burdens. May God bless you this day.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Me - as the world sees me

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This is actually the only picture of myself that I have ever put on the net. I hope to string together some videos, and put them up. I usually stick them on youtube or put them here. As a side note, the Traditional Knowledge Keepers video, was something I put together a while back, the sad thing is it never got finished or published properly it ran into Politics. It made it to Geneva, if there was a concession. Anyways, hope all is well.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

throwing stones again

It is good to see Christians doing their thing. Personally, my interests vary, and I guess to me #1 is sometimes my people and their plight. But I must say at least many of my beloved are doing good for themselves, which is a good thing, considering where they have been placed in our Canadian society. Yet their life has not been unnoticed, and justice is being meted out today. I know in terms of Christian ethics, Shane does not epitomize an upright way, but to me it is about giving a plug to a fellow Native, and for that matter I sure hope I can reach more of my people with my writing. The reason being that we might be on the same page, and that our life will not be so diminished in importance. The strongest witness is to walk in righteousness, to live a life of praise, and to submit ourselves under God’s mighty hand. I strongly think that Christians do have a place in this world, at least temporarily. Again back to my Shane video, maybe it is about praying for those whom we think needs our prayers. Of course that is pretty redundant because we all need prayers. Sorry if it is offensive to you, but I have my reasons. It’s strange but I was just reading some posts on a Christian awards video, and some people made disparaging remarks about one Christian lady singer, yet others gave her the benefit of the doubt regarding her life. So to me opinions are good but it is still your opinion. I for one will not turn my face from anyone just because they may not have a life that does not match up to my standards. For one thing my people are and have often been seen as the most dispossessed in society. To me I will never turn from the sinner. I guess this is my Christian view, at least for now, I just thought I would share that.
Take care

God of Wonders - Chris Tomlin

After checking that post on one of the blogger's site, I just wanted to put this song on my blog. It's a awesome song. Enjoy

The Blood - Matt Redman

This is an excellent tune, one that gets you going. God is awesome, worthy of all our praise. God Bless!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Don’t Throw Stones

"Failures are the stepping stones to great things." If that is the case, our people are just about to reach a pinnacle. It is certainly a positive thing to go beyond our failures, rather than deter us we should reach the new heights that are before us. I am so proud, everytime our people do well. It is always a positive thing to know that we have crawled out of our pits: and into the limelight. Yet things like racism have a way of getting under your skin, it certainly does not pull out the best in us. But hey it's a feather in our cap when we do go beyond those things and moreover be that positive influence to those around us. Maybe we just need to be told that constantly, and hey, let's just not throw (those)stones, anymore.

Shane Yellow Bird